The miracles of the Danish Healthcare system

Admin Semga, Fri 18th, Oct 2019, 09:04

For all those who are fortunate to live in Denmark, let's appreciate the welfare system and work to build it and make it sustainable. I used to be one of those immigrants who complained about the healthcare system in Denmark but honestly after being in the hospital for a few days myself, I can really appreciate the work these doctors and nurses are doing. The truth is, instead of blaming the government for not recruiting and training enough nurses and doctors, we should actually adopt a healthy lifestyle as well as friendly environmental practices. Treat the environment well and it will take care of you. Courage to our hard industrious nurses and doctors in Denmark who work tirelessly to keep us from the perils of ill health and early graves. I appreciate you all. Long live the Danish wealthfare system and may all the immigrants in Denmark be blessed with jobs.