Making the Most out of your time in Denmark

Trevor Package, Mon 1st, Jun 2015, 12:00

Moving to a foreign country and adapting to a new culture can take time. However, coming to a country like Denmark where the standard of living is generally very high and people feel happy and safe will most certainly make this process easier.

Denmark has well-functioning infrastructure, a strong educational system and rich cultural life that can make living in Denmark a good experience for you and the family you may want to bring.

Getting settled

Almost all Danes speak and understand English, which makes it easy for foreigners to work and live in Denmark. However, learning Danish is highly recommended because it will help you engage with people both socially and at work.

Joining an association or club where you can enjoy and perhaps share an interest with Danes is a good way to meet people and create a personal network. Also, in this case, speaking the Danish language will give you an advantage and help you get settled.

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