The Struggle
Be proud of whatever job you have and always put your best in it. This picture of our #statsminister cleaning her window on instagram last Sunday just says it all, how important the cleaning job is but sadly enough people in this branch are always underlooked and less valued. I know this because after I left my banking job in Cameroon and arrived in Denmark, I was doing cleaning jobs for many years alongside my studies. One day I was cleaning windows by the roadside for one of our customers when one Danish woman who was walking by actually stopped to tell me that my job looked exactly like my color, and yes I am black
I elevated from the rengøringsassistent (cleaning assistance) to a CEO. Mette left her high office and took pride last Sunday in doing my window cleaning job. That is how simple life is. Let us respect everyone despite of their jobs, as we are all positively contributing to the economy of the country. #jobs